In this issue...
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Student Printing Service Updates
Computer Barn Updates
Revamp of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Getting Connected to Student Residential Network (ResNet)
Updates on Research Computing Facilities
Classrooms - just got better!
New HKUST Video Conference System - Vidyo
A/V upgrade for Council Chamber and Conference Rooms
ITSC Student Internship Program & Curriculum
Information Technology Support Forum (ITSF)
Fall 2017
New HKUST Video Conference System - Vidyo
David Shiu
Head of IT Technical Services & A/V Technology

The University has recently acquired the license of an enterprise-class video conference (VC) system called Vidyo. Vidyo is supported on common user platforms, including Windows, Mac, iPad and Android. When the system is fully deployed, staff will only need to install the Apps for its preferred platform and log on to the Vidyo System to use it. In addition, the system also support de facto standards like WebRTC which allows VC participants to join a session, simply by using a compatible web browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firebox, etc. This is intended for cases when the external VC participants do not have access to special VC facilities. 

The servers of the new system are now being installed, tested and tuned. The system will be made available to all staff members. In the meantime, we are inviting interested departments and colleagues with VC needs, to join us in the initial phase of system deployment.