Alumni Profile
Fun-filled English Orientation Camp to Get You Ready for Life in UST

So you’ve heard that entering university can be a scary experience – you leave the comfort zone in which you have been nestling into for the past decade in pursuit of higher education.  You’re nervous about the challenges ahead while excited for all the fun you know you’re going to have.  So, are you ready? 

Here at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology there is an orientation camp unlike any other. CAMPUS WRAP brings together first year students from all different majors, and 'wraps' them up in a fun-filled environment packed with activities that build social bonds, introduce different cultures, and give freshmen the survival skills needed for a fruitful university life – useful tips on time management, relationships, and even (gasp) table manners. 

While most of the camps are subject-driven, CAMPUS WRAP is culturally focused and language-oriented. Students immerse themselves in an English-speaking environment while participating in a series of interactive activities. It’s a wonderful way to brush up our English as UST is a designated English-language university (so we might as well start speaking English now!) 

Newly admitted students, "Buddies" (Year 2 & 3 university student helpers/ mentors), and UST Staff from the Language Center spend 5 days together on campus and in the residence halls getting to know one another, building friendships that can last well beyond the university (yes, it’s possible to be friends with university staff!). 

So, "Sign me up!" you say.  CAMPUS WRAP runs in mid-August each year, and more information can be found on: