Dean's Message
Spring 2012  No.21
Effective Leadership in Action

Hin San Hung, Year 3, Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, has been presented with the Stephen Cheong Kam-chuen Medal for Distinguished Service to the Student Body. The medal is given annually to the HKUST student who best exemplifies caring, constructive leadership. 

Hin San served as the Vice-President (Internal) of the Students' Union in 2010-11. He showed outstanding leadership over the issue of student society election campaigns and was proactive and effective in helping the union's executive members convey students' views on a wide range of campus issues, including student catering and amenities. He also worked out practical solutions that were mutually beneficial to students and the University community as a whole.

As a result of his dedication and commitment, greater cohesiveness has been brought to different branches of student activity. In addition, Hin San was active in organizing fund-raising activities with different groups on behalf of off-campus causes, in particular the campaign to help victims of the March 2011 earthquake in Japan.

The medal was established by the University Council in 1993 in memory of the late Honorable Stephen Cheong, a founding Council Member and renowned public servant.