New Projects
Fall 2012
HARNET & Internet Upgrade
by Wong Chi Sing

As its name suggests, HARNET (Hong Kong Academic and Research NETwork) is a regional network linking up the eight tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. It also connects to other research and education networks as well as the public Internet using high-speed connections. To accommodate the growing demand on bandwidth for the arrival of the double cohorts of students in the new academic year, a series of upgrades are carried out on HARNET starting from May:

  • the core routers on HARNET's data centers have been upgraded for higher bandwidth;
  • the shared international Internet bandwidth has been upgraded by 50%, up from 2Gbit/s to 3Gbit/s in early September.
  • the local Internet bandwidth to HKIX will be upgraded by 100%, up from 2Gbit/s to 4Gbit/s in late September.

HKUST faculty members and researchers may like to note that HARNET currently links up to the following national research and education networks:

  • ASGCNet (Academia Sinica Grid Computing Center)
  • ASNET (Academic Sinica Network)
  • CERNET (China Education and Research Network)
  • KREONET (Korea Research Environment Open Network)
  • TEIN3 (Trans-Eurasia Information Network)