New Projects
Fall 2012
Updates on Telephone Services
by Raymond Chau

Telephone Number Range Expansion

The majority of telephone numbers of the University starts with the prefix "2358". This is based on the telephone number ranges that were obtained 20 years ago and most numbers in these ranges have already been used. To cope with new growth in the coming 10-15 years, we have acquired an additional number range recently:

34692000 - 34693999   (i.e. extension number 2000 to 3999)
ITSC will soon start to release this new number range for new users. The following shows a complete picture of the University’s telephone number ranges:
Telephone Number Ranges


For easier memory recollection, you may be interested in knowing a coincidental connection between "3469" and "2358", namely:
2358 + 1111 = 3469
Anyway, please note that the University telephone system is set up such that internal calls can always be made by simply dialing the extension number (i.e. the last 4 digits of the telephone number), regardless of the prefix of the called number.

Telephone Service in the LSK Campus

The telephone service at the new LSK Campus will entirely be based on the VoIP technology that leverages a single network for both voice and data communication. The benefits include:

  • Cleaner office space: one wire for both IP phone and desktop PC
  • New service provisioning, not limited to traditional analog telephone system
  • Better internal call voice quality, especially on calls between LSK and main campus