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October BookTalk
Farewell to Samson
Issue No.85, Sep 2012
October BookTalk

Many dream of investing well, providing for their future or building a retirement nest egg. Today's investor is faced with a myriad of investment opportunities and strategies. However, investing is tricky; knowledge, discipline and awareness are needed if one wants to make sound investments.

On October 11th, Professor Philip Cheng will give a talk on his new book, "鱷口下的賺錢術:8個股市投資致勝法則" (HG4551 .Z48 2012). Professor Cheng will dissect winning strategies for building wealth, and also address many of the common mistakes that individual investors make over time.

Professor Cheng is an adjunct associate professor of Finance Department at HKUST. Before he joined HKUST in 2007, Professor Cheng was the Chief Investment Officer at MetLife Taiwan.

The book talk will be hosted in the Library Gallery on Oct 11th at 6pm, and will be the tenth in an occasional series of the Library Book Talks.