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Issue No.86, Nov 2012
Information Literacy Test

In early September, the Library administered the Madison Assessment Information Literacy Test. It's the second time we held the test to collect data on freshmen's information literacy level. Developed at the James Madison University in United States, the test consists of 60 multiple choice questions and is designed based on the ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education.

In collaboration with CELT, we emailed to invite around 1,000 students and 326 participated in this web-based computerized test. Seventeen test sessions are held at E-Learning Classroom A in the Learning Commons during 8-14 September.

This study is highly important for planning future directions on information literacy education in the University and the test data we collected from the Madison Assessment will be further analyzed by the Library and CELT.

We also plan to invite the participants to take the test again when they pursue final year study so we can have a full picture of their improvement on information literacy during their university education.