Dean's Message
Spring 2013  No.23
Qualcomm Set to Strengthen Ties

The fifth annual Qualcomm-sponsored Greater China University Research Workshop@HKUST was held on November 7, 2012, drawing over 50 people from industry, universities in Greater China, HKUST faculty, and postgraduate students.

Keynote speakers included Dr Rajesh Pankaj, Senior Vice President of Engineering, and Dr Chienchung Chang, Vice President of Engineering, both at Qualcomm, who spoke on the latest trends of the wireless and networking industry. This was followed by a poster and demo session where members from other universities in the Qualcomm-sponsored University Research Community in Greater China presented their work.

A laboratory tour provided a view of the state-of-the-art facilities at HKUST's Wireless Communications Lab, Photonics Technology Lab, and Consumer Media Center. Qualcomm and HKUST also plan to establish a Qualcomm Lab@HKUST to work on collaborative projects related to wireless and networking.