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COMING: September Book Talk: The Journey of a Successful Value Investor
Issue No. 89, Sep 2013
Collection Expansion
To support curriculum expansion under 334, the Library's collection received a strong boost in all areas in the last academic year.
E-Reference – China yearbooks are an excellent research tool for China studies.  The bulk of our print China yearbooks have been migrated to e-format, giving full-text access to 105 titles in over 2,000 current and back volumes.  A range of e-reference titles from popular culture to nanoscience were also added.
eBooks – eBooks are taking flight.  For the past two years, the average number of chapter downloads per year was 300,000.  Thousands of titles from Palgrave Connect, IGI Global, CRC Press, Morgan and Claypool were added.  In the pipeline are 1,340 Chinese eBooks from Airiti, a major ebook aggregator from Taiwan.
The Library piloted 2 usage-driven eBook acquisition schemes.  Ebrary Demand Driven Acquisition (DDA) has 18,000 discovery records loaded into our Catalog.  A purchase is triggered when use of a book exceeds a set limit.  From November 2012 to June 2013, 530 Ebrary titles were triggered for purchase - but only of eBooks that are found useful.  Users have access to thousands of non-owned eBooks without knowing that they are the ones making the purchase decision.
The other scheme is Wiley Usage Based Collection Management (UBCM).  Trial access to the full reservoir of Wiley eBooks is available through January.  In February, the Library will make purchase decisions based on usage and subject relevance.
Streaming Videos – A few streaming collections have been added.  Critically acclaimed Phoenix TV series, 世紀大講堂 and 開卷八分鐘, Engineering Case Studies, Asian Films in Video and Filmakers Library Supplement further strengthen the Library's support for engineering and general education.
Journal Archives and Subscriptions – Ejournal usage climbed for 3 consecutive years, hitting 1.3 million downloads in 2012.  Having analysed our turnaway statistics, four journal archives were added: Institute of Physics journal archive (1874- 2002), Springer Mathematics and Statistics Online Journal archive, 3 new JSTOR collections and Shanghai Library's Mingguo Journals Full-Text Database (1911-1949). New subscriptions are strategically kept low to minimize inflation impact.  One notable addition is JOVE, Journal of Visualized Experiments, a highly requested title from our life science users.