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Issue No. 90, Nov 2013
Library Book Talks
HKUST Library book talks are a great, engaging platform for authors and audience to exchange their ideas and love of reading.  Since holding its first book talk in 2008, the Library has connected 15 authors to the HKUST community.
On 26 September, Mr Ronald Chan, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Chartwell Capital Limited, gave a talk on his new book 金錢王者: 全球價值投資大師致勝之鑰 (HG4621 .C4312 2013).  Ronald shared his interviews with 12 value-investing legends around the world; and discussed how their background and life experiences have shaped their investment mindset.  He also urged the audience to maintain a proper frame of mind and to form good habits and discipline during the investment journey.
The next book talk,「文學與神明 : 饒宗頤訪談錄– 從詩歌到哲學的提升 (Literature and God: Interview and Dialogue with Prof JAO Tsung- I), was given by Prof Emeritus Dr SZE Yee Tui on 9 October.  Prof Sze has been teaching classical literature and Chinese poetry for more than two decades at the University of Macau; he is also a prolific researcher in Chinese literature.  In this talk, Prof Sze shared the writing experience on his book 文學與神明 : 饒宗頤訪談錄 (PL2264 .R36 2010) and the lessons he learned from Prof Yao.  He also showed us the alluring world of his intellectual journey.
Streaming videos of both inspiring book talks are available at