Welcome Message
Issue 25 (Fall 2013-14)
Blessing Heart
(心寬同路) Vol. 3 is now online!
We may feel confused sometimes ……
We may be working hard to find a better us ……  
We may experience more pains than gains …… 
Be it a small hurdle to be overcome; pain from the past to be faced; hidden talents in you yet to be explored, colleagues from the Counseling and Development Team believe that "It takes both Rain and Sunshine to make a Rainbow". Through sharing of their touching and motivating stories, your fellow-students, Peer Counselors and professional Student Counselors would share with you what they experienced themselves during the continuous counseling process. These are the small pieces making up and developing their whole person.
Would you like to get to know yourself better?  Please read Blessing Heart Vol.3 which is available at the ebookshelf to get some insight and enlightenment.
No matter what you are going through at this moment, the University's Student Counselors are always willing to offer you their time, care and support in a confidential environment.  They would listen to you and guide you to find your own answers or solutions.
To make an online appointments, please visit the website of Counseling and Development Team.