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Issue No. 92, April 2014
Archiving University Websites
Recognizing that in addition to printed documents and other physical items such as videos, sound recordings, photos and posters, HKUST's institutional memory includes websites, the Library has enhanced its website archiving efforts.
As the institutional memory of the university, the mission of University Archives is to collect, preserve, and facilitate access to University records which have historical value.  In order to capture university's documents on the web, Archives staff review all related websites and systematically download University's web documents once every year during the summer time since 2001.
The historical value of web-based materials was recognized in 2000 as more University documents and publications were being made available online.  Posting official documents on the web has become a major channel to disseminate information.  Students can always have access to the most up-to-date information via department websites.
For example, the University's Academic Calendar and Course Catalog evolved from printed format, to DVD format, and now into an online format.  Many departmental newsletters are likewise provided electronically on their websites.  And student societies also post their news, events and membership details on the web.
Last summer, an automatic interface was developed to streamline this exercise.  Where previously, selected webpages were archived, now entire websites are being harvested.  More than 150 university websites, including those of departments, administrative units and student societies, have been examined, harvested, and saved on the “webarchive” server.