Campus Health and Safety
Contractor Safety Incentive Scheme
Summer Internship Program
June 2014
Summer Internship Program
Health, Safety and Environment Office (HSEO) has been offering part-time summer work opportunities regularly to student for many years.  This year, HSEO joins hand with the Department of Chemistry in offering several internship placements for third year Chemistry undergraduate students to gain valuable work experience during the summer.
The goal of the program is to help prepare the interns for work after graduation.  Under the program, the interns are required to complete 80 internship hours as a part of their academic curriculum requirement. The interns will be assigned to carry out various health, safety and environmental protection related operational duties.  These duties cover areas such as public and occupational health monitoring, indoor air quality assessment, workplace hazards monitoring, workplace risks assessment as well as hazardous wastes management.  The interns will have the opportunity to perform various duties alongside HSEO colleagues and gain first-hand experience on the day-to-day HSE field operations. The eye-opening experience will certainly help contribute to the overall goal of nurturing our students for future career alternatives.