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Collection Spotlight—New Resources
3D Printing Service
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Issue No. 93, September 2014
3D Printing Service
The Library has recently launched the 3D Printing Service for students to coin ideas, make prototypes and facilitate their learning activities. It also allows teaching staff to make use of the service in their teaching and class projects.
A 3D printer is set up in the Database Room near Lift A on the Ground Floor of the Library.  Users can prepare 3D designs using their own modelling software or those available in the Information Commons and Learning Commons.  Briefing sessions can be scheduled for you to learn about design software and model warehouses, procedures for preparing and submitting 3D print files, and the operation of the 3D printer itself. Details of the service are at
3D printing technology has gained much attention in the education sector. So-called Maker Spaces, equipped with 3D printers, digitizers, modelling software and visual displays, provide a stimulating environment for students to explore their creativity and curiosity.
This pilot project will examine the need for such facilities here, and will allow you to engage another tool in your research explorations.