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Issue 26 (Fall 2014-15)
Professional Development Courses for RPg Students 2014/15
In today’s competitive employment environment for RPg students, academic excellence is only one part of the equation.  For success, a full package comprising sound general knowledge, research and professional skills, and an innovative mindset, along with self-management ability, are required.
Since Fall Term 2013/14, all new RPg students are required to take Professional Development Courses (PDC) as a part of their program requirements.  The professional development training includes the following five themes: professional conduct, communication skills, career development, entrepreneurship, and self-management.
The professional development courses requirements vary across Schools.  The PDC requirements for RPg students admitted in 2014/15 are summarized here
Students admitted in previous years should refer to the Catalog of Postgraduate Programs and Curricula for the specific program curriculum and course requirement set in the PDC system for their own intake cohort.