The Year of The Goat
Scholarly Communications Seminar: Digital Humanities – February 4
Ithaka Survey
Training Activities for Librarians from Mainland China
Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance
"The Blue Moon" – Book Talk by Jeanie Leung
彩墨天然―周千秋、梁粲纓伉儷畫展 Rendering Nature: Paintings by Chow Chian-chiu and Chow Leung Chen-ying
2nd Library E-Discovery Week
Data Curation Training Program
Issue No. 95, February 2015
Ithaka Survey
In March, the Library will conduct the Ithaka S+R Faculty Survey.  Ithaka S+R is a strategic consulting and research service that helps academic institutions to make the transition into the digital environment.  Ithaka S+R has run the US Faculty Survey many times.  Through a local survey done on our campus, we plan to understand your research practices in light of increasing digital resources and systemic changes in higher education.  The survey has several modules of 5-6 questions, such as:
  • Discovery of resources
  • Access to resources
  • Data preservation & management
  • Scholarly communications
  • The role of the library

Through these questions, we hope to find answers to:  How do our scholars discover and access needed information resources? What are the key elements of their research lifecycle? How have research practices and methods been changed? How have research data and primary sources been preserved? What is the evolving role of the Library?

An email with a link to the survey instrument will be sent to all faculty members in March. Please help us to understand your research needs by completing the survey.  Thank you in advance!