The Year of The Goat
Scholarly Communications Seminar: Digital Humanities – February 4
Ithaka Survey
Training Activities for Librarians from Mainland China
Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance
"The Blue Moon" – Book Talk by Jeanie Leung
彩墨天然―周千秋、梁粲纓伉儷畫展 Rendering Nature: Paintings by Chow Chian-chiu and Chow Leung Chen-ying
2nd Library E-Discovery Week
Data Curation Training Program
Issue No. 95, February 2015
Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance
Recently, our Library joined the Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance, PRDLA, as its 33rd member.  The Alliance targets improved access to scholarly research materials by collaborating with academic libraries around the Pacific Rim.  As information resources have exploded in quantity and formats, a traditional library finds it impossible to build a comprehensive collection in view of budgetary limitations.
Through aggressive resource sharing, cooperative collection development, and the use of technology in document delivery, PRDLA helps members to have better access to research materials across physical boundaries.  PRDLA supports traditional and emerging library functions among its members with collaboration and funding for:
  • Digitization of information resources
  • Shared access to electronic and hard copy
  • Sharing of expertise
  • Personnel exchange
  • Professional development and research
Selected members include academic libraries from: Fudan University, National Taiwan University, National University of Singapore, Peking University, Seoul National University, Singapore Management University, Stanford University, Sun-yat Sen University, Tsinghua University, University of Auckland, University of British Columbia, University of California, University of Melbourne, University of Southern California, University of Washington, Wuhan University, Zhejiang University and six universities in Hong Kong.  Members shared their experiences and practices in digitization in the annual meeting held in the new campus of the University of Macao in December 2014.