The Year of The Goat
Scholarly Communications Seminar: Digital Humanities – February 4
Ithaka Survey
Training Activities for Librarians from Mainland China
Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance
"The Blue Moon" – Book Talk by Jeanie Leung
彩墨天然―周千秋、梁粲纓伉儷畫展 Rendering Nature: Paintings by Chow Chian-chiu and Chow Leung Chen-ying
2nd Library E-Discovery Week
Data Curation Training Program
Issue No. 95, February 2015
"The Blue Moon" – Book Talk by Jeanie Leung
If your heart is already captured by the "Colours of Stories" exhibition, you would not want to miss the chance to meet our alumna artist, Jeanie Leung, who will give a Library book talk on her newest release, "The Blue Moon".
Since quitting the banking industry and jumping into the world of art, Jeanie is devoted to pursue her childhood dream despite obstacles along the way.  Her tireless efforts and determination have resulted in her success in creating the signature character "Oowa" in 2010. Since then, Jeanie has published four picture books, staged art solo exhibitions, collaborated with a variety of commercial and charity organizations and even developed a line of merchandise.
Influenced by Taiwanese illustrator and writer Jimmy Liao (幾米), Jeanie will explain why she chose picture books as a medium, and how her painting style was inspired by the impressionist painter Claude Monet through the study exchange experience in Boston College.  She will also talk about her earliest picture books: A Time for the Heart, Smile, please, and The Song of Memory to unveil the stories behind Oowa.
The talk will be in Cantonese and be held on 5 Feb at 12:30 - 1:30pm in the Library Gallery.  Jeanie’s books will be available for sale.  She will be pleased to sign books at your request.