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Issue No. 97, Sep 2015
Library Recognizes Outstanding Student Helpers
Outstanding student helpers were recognized for their contributions to the Library at an Award Presentation Ceremony on May 4.
Three students KWAN Ho Leung Decker (關浩樑), SHIU Ka Yu Fish (蕭加裕), and YIP Ling Kwan Kamuel (葉淩堃) were awarded "Outstanding Student Helpers 2015". Selected by a Library Staff Panel, these students were commended for their commitment to their work, and for their outstanding and valuable service to the Library.
"The awards are reserved for those who are recognized as clearly performing above and beyond the norm in terms of their services and contributions", said our Library Director, who presented the awards.
In addition, four students were awarded "Student Helpers of Merits 2015".  They are CHAN Tin Wai Rodney (陳天偉), CHOW Yan Kit Kenneth (周仁傑), CHUNG Sze Yin Nicole (宗思延) and WONG Tik Sze, Daisy (王廸斯).
Congratulations to these students for their great work!
The Library set up the Outstanding Student Helpers Awards in the academic year 2014/15, and will continue honoring those student helpers who demonstrate outstanding performance in the years ahead.