Alumni Profile
Cohort Community Builds New Culture

KUST’s School of Business and Management (SBM) introduced a new program for its business undergraduates — the Business Cohort Community (BCC), a non-academic, student-led program that aims to build unity and enhance personal development through fun and exciting social activities.

The launch of the BCC, the first of its kind in HKUST on September 1, was attended by 700 aspiring business school freshmen. They are organized into ten "Cohorts”, or tightly-connected student-network learning communities. Each Cohort is named after a Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences  and is represented by a specific color.

The Cohort community offers leadership opportunities for senior students to become Cohort Chiefs who serve as peer mentors for freshmen. With mutual support and common goals, Members of a Cohort work closely together to compete against other Cohorts in various games throughout the year for the Cohort Cup Champion.

Officiating the launch, Professor Leonard Cheng, Dean of the Business School, addressed the undergraduates: "Meaningful learning is stronger where there is a strong sense of belonging. The new Business Cohort Community idea aims to promote this strong sense of belonging to make your university life richer.”

Professor Angela Ng, Associate Dean and Director of Undergraduate Programs of the HKUST Business School, said: "We wanted students to live a more balanced and meaningful university life. We are attempting to create a new culture — a fun and enjoyable one.”

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The ten Cohorts are: Becker (blue), Friedman (yellow), Granger (violet), Krugman (red), Lucas (brown), Merton (black), Nash (gray), Ostrom (pink), Solow (orange), Tinbergen (green)..